Our Story

Little Fellow Blake

Little Fellows was inspired by this little fellow, Blake! Starting at the age of 2 he showed an interest in clothes and shoes. He always wanted to keep shoes on in the house that were his favorite or pick out what clothes he wanted to wear. Fast forward to year 3 and I'm tickled when he looks at himself in the mirror and pose when he really likes what he has on. Haha

With the interest of clothes my son has and me searching for edgy pieces in stores for him that I couldn't quite find, is what gave me the idea of Little Fellows. My goal is to provide pieces for boys that are stylish, trendy, edgy and urban.  

Since Blake was born I, along with other family members, would call him little fellow and that is where the name came about. He is our unique, full of personality Little Fellow! And I hope to be able to provide you choices for your little fellow to show off his personality and style. 

We hope you find something you like! 

The Dynamic Duo :)

-Blake & Mommy